Thursday, February 20, 2020

Syphilis Disease: Symptoms, Stages, Treatment, & Prevention

One of the scary things about STDs is they hardly show symptoms. When they do, the symptoms are too common to be attended to. They may show up as common cold, sore throat, blisters, sores, or even an eye infection. You would never imagine in your wildest dreams that you are infected with an STD! 

In case of Syphilis disease, appearance of sores is the first sign. According to a study, sores appear about 21 days after being infected. In some people, it may take 90 days. They are painless at the onset. Most of the times, they go unnoticed. 

Sores usually appear around or in the mouth, at the anus, or the genital area. In most of the cases, sores appear at the genital area, as Syphilis spreads through sexual contact. The infection can also show up as painless bumps or blisters. 

In case you notice rash or sores at your genital area and you have had unprotected sex recently, you must visit STD clinic for a test. 

3 Stages of Syphilis

Appearance of sores is the first stage of Syphilis. This is a contagious stage. Some people are infected, but show no sores. They can still spread the infection. 

When Syphilis reaches the secondary stage, it may cause painful sores. The symptoms accompany fatigue and sore throat. 

The third stage of Syphilis is dangerous. It can reach the heart and cause heart failure; it can paralyze or cause stroke. 


Syphilis is a curable disease. Doctors usually prescribe a course of antibiotics. Please follow the instructions of your doctor carefully to treat the disease completely. You must complete the course. 

The doctor conducts a blood test to diagnose Syphilis disease. Patients with open sores are more likely to contract HIV. So the doctor also tests such patients for HIV. 


When left untreated, Syphilis can spread to other body areas and cause destruction. It can cause mental and nervous disorders, blindness, and even death. 

How to prevent syphilis?
  • Practice monogamy. Make sure your partner is tested for STDs. 
  • When having sex with a new partner, ensure he/she is not infected. Use a condom always. 
  • Check the condom’s expiration date. 
  • The United States of America has stricter safety standards for condoms. Manufacturers are particular about complying with the standards. So, ensure the condom is made in the US. 
  • Never reuse a condom. 
  • Female condoms are also available. 
  • When you undergo Syphilis STD test, ask your sexual partner to undergo the test too. 

Instead of playing the guessing game, visit STD clinic today and rule out the possibility of an infection. In case you are infected, get treated fast. Don’t let an easily curable disease play havoc with your life just because of ignorance or procrastination on your part. 

Your nearby STD clinic conducts anonymous STD testing, so no fear of “what if somebody learns I underwent STD testing?” Test and treatment are done on the same day. Doctors are highly qualified and non-judgmental. You can share your sexual health worries with them without hesitation. 

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