Thursday, December 10, 2020

Why You Must Get Tested For Chlamydia If You Are Sexually Active

Arlington male chlamydia test

 Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease contracted through unprotected and risky sexual practices. Millions of individuals get affected by this condition all over the world. One of the key reasons for its rampant spread is that the affected individuals do not show any specific symptoms. 

According to healthcare experts, symptoms occur after 21 days after getting exposed to the bacteria in some individuals. That’s why it is important to get tested if you suspect you are carrying an STD infection.

The Symptoms of Chlamydia in Men

You can get tested at any nearby testing center offering Arlington male chlamydia test facilities if you have any of the following symptoms:

A burning sensation during urination

Unusual discharge from the penis

Swelling and/or pain on one or both the testicles

In some individuals, chlamydia can also cause pain and infections in the joints. The absence of any core symptoms also means that the risk of passing on the infection is high. 

A Negative Test Need Not Be Good News

A negative test is not an indicator of the absence of any infection because it may take up to two weeks for the infection to show up in the Arlington male chlamydia test. It is advisable to take a second test after a few days if you have typical symptoms of chlamydia, but the initial results are negative.

The test for Chlamydia in men involves the collection of a urine sample. Some clinics may also take oral and anal swabs to check if you are carrying the infection. The best labs provide test results on the same day or within 24 hours at the most. Some labs also offer patients who have tested positive the option of consulting their in-house STD expert so that treatment can be started immediately.

If you are not comfortable visiting a lab to get tested for chlamydia or any other sexually transmitted infection, you can opt for at home STD test chlamydia VA. However, there should not be a problem getting tested at a reputed STD testing facility as they make sure that the testing is done quickly, privately, and in complete confidence. 

Chlamydia Treatment

If you test positive for chlamydia, your physician will prescribe antibiotics for a specific period. You will have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle and not indulge in sex during the treatment period.  It is highly recommended that you share the information of your chlamydia infection with your partner/s and also ensure that they get tested too.

After the antibiotic treatment course is completed, your physician will ask you to undergo Arlington male chlamydia test again to check if you are completely cured. Doctors advise two weeks of rest after the treatment to allow the bacteria to get cleared from the system completely. 

It is important to get tested for chlamydia at a reliable and reputed STD testing facility. The best ones can be trusted for providing quick and reliable test results. By using the latest and most advanced STD testing processes and equipment, they will ensure that the chlamydia testing is done in a smooth and hassle-free manner.

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