Thursday, February 11, 2021

HIV Symptoms in Men and Why You Should Not Ignore Them

HIV symptoms in men after 1 year

Typically, HIV shows no symptom even after one year of infection. In fact, the virus may show symptoms in the earliest stages, but then goes dormant in the body. 

The interesting thing to note is that you may be carrying HIV, but feel and look completely fine. Only an antibody blood test can tell you that you are HIV-positive. 

That’s why people who get their positive test results are shocked. 

They cannot believe they are infected. They feel so healthy and fit! 

That’s the very reason doctors constantly talk of undergoing STD testing because testing is the only way to find out you are infected. Most STDs, including HIV, stay symptomless. 

The fact that there might be no HIV symptoms in men after 1 year, STD clinic in VA 22202 advises HIV testing for anybody who is into multiple sexual relationship. Even if you are in a monogamous relationship, you must undergo test atleast once in your lifetime. 

Suppose you had a sexual partner 20 years back. You are now married with somebody else and practice monogamy. However, there are chances that you may have contracted HIV 20 years back from the former partner (if you practiced unprotected sex). It is still in your body, dormant and ready to strike at any time. 

Sounds scary, right?

“It is!” remarks a doctor at the Arlington, VA, STD clinic. 

HIV symptoms in men

1. Low sex drive: 

This is because your testicles have stopped producing enough testosterone. The condition is called hypogonadism. This happens due to HIV infection. It can also be due to other reasons. You must consult a doctor. 

According to doctors, hypogonadism can lead to depression, fatigue erectile dysfunction, infertility, growth of breast tissue, and lesser body and facial hair. 

2. Sores on penis:

This is a common sign. You may get painful sores on your penis, or ulcers on the esophagus or mouth. They can also occur on your anus. It depends on your sexual behavior, say doctors. 

The sores heal and then come back again. This happens often. 

3. Burning sensation or pain during urination:

“It could be HIV; it could also be Chlamydia or Gonorrhea. Only a STD test can tell you what exactly it is,” says a doctor at the VA 22202 STD clinic. So, if you see this HIV symptom, visit the clinic in Arlington, VA. 

Pain or burning implies swelling of the tiny gland located under the urinary bladder. This is the prostate gland. The condition is known as prostatitis. It could also happen due to a bacterial infection. 

The condition can give you added symptoms like:

Frequent urination

Pain during ejaculation

Bloody or cloudy urine

Groin pain

Pain in the abdomen or lower back

Pain in the penis, testicles, bladder, or the area around rectum and scrotum

Though HIV/AIDS may sound scary, it is not a death sentence. The disease is perfectly manageable. However, you must treat it timely to prevent HIV from turning into full-blown AIDS. Get tested today. Take your sexual health in your hands. Do not let it be in the mercy of some virus. 

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