Friday, April 17, 2020

4 Top Reasons You Must Undergo Pentagon STI Test Today

Everybody must undergo STD screening atleast once during their lifetime, say doctors. And if you indulge in high-risk sexual behaviors, you must undergo screening regularly. STDs are not rare. They are as common as flu. But, flu shows symptoms. STDs don’t.

That’s a major reason why you must undergo testing, if you are sexually active. 

A lot of misconceptions surround STDs. One of the biggest ones is that if you have no symptoms, you are fine. In Pentagon, STI test is available at an affordable rate. You can undergo anonymous testing and billing here. 

Here are top 4 reasons why you must undergo STD testing.

1. Even virgins can get STDS! 

Till now you thought you can contract STI only if you had sex. According to doctors, you can get an infection even without indulging in sexual intercourse. Several STDs spread through skin contact. Disease like oral herpes can spread through oral sex. Touch an open sore on the genital of somebody and then touch your genitals and you easily contract Syphilis infection! So, you can still be a virgin and get STI.

If you have had only oral sex with somebody who has never been tested, you must undergo a test. 

2. You can save your marriage! 

People in a monogamous relationship think they need no STD testing. They are right. But, this holds true only when they underwent testing before getting married. People who are infected generally are unaware of their infection. So when they get symptoms after marriage, their spouse might accuse them of cheating. This can lead to relationship problems. Some women find out they have Chlamydia or Syphilis only when they have trouble getting pregnant and they consult a doctor. 

If you are getting married, before you walk the aisle, walk in a STI clinic near Arlington, VA. Make sure your would-be spouse does this too.

3. It’s never too late to have safe sex

You have been having unprotected sex for years together and with multiple partners. You never experienced any symptom. So you think you are sexually healthy. You may be wrong. Certain bacteria like those of Syphilis lie dormant in your body for decades! 

It’s good to undergo a test as soon as you become aware of STDs, irrespective of your age. And it’s never too late to start using a condom. You may have been lucky till now, getting no infection despite unprotected sex. What if your luck runs out? Be safe than sorry. 

4. Unnecessary worry can give you premature wrinkles!

You are worried about that night when you had unprotected sex with an attractive partner during your vacation. You doubt you may be exposed to an infection. You are scared. Why continue to suffer silently when you have STD clinic in Pentagon for anonymous STI test? Prolonged stress can affect your skin, hair, and overall life. You may even not be able to enjoy sex with your current partner for the fear of contracting infection to him/her. 

Drop all the fears and worries. Simply walk in a STD clinic and get yourselves tested. This is the only way to confirm whether you are infected or not. 

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