Thursday, October 13, 2022

Full Panel STD Test At Urgent Care Clinic- How To Prepare For It

 Regardless of age or ethnicity, sexual diseases are common in society. What most people do not realize is that STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) usually do not produce any symptoms. In others words, affected people can lead totally normal lives without being aware that they are carrying diseases and probably passing these diseases to others as well. To prevent such a situation and ensure that you do not develop health complications due to an untreated STD, you need to regularly undergo STD screening. 

If you are a sexually active person, STD screening is something you must never skip. And when you finally decide to go in for screening, what test do you request for? Do you get tested for a couple of common STDs? What if your infection is not something included in the test? In such a situation, your ATD may remain undetected even after you undergo screening. Thankfully, there is a solution – full panel STD test. 

Comprehensive STD testing

Choosing a full panel STD testing option is a great decision since it enables detection of most STDs before these infections have a chance to grow serious. Arlington full panel STD test typically includes tests for the following STDs and STIs:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Herpes 1
  • Herpes 2
  • HIV 1 and 2
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis

Visit your nearest urgent care clinic to receive comprehensive STD screening that tests for the presence of multiple STDs and STIs. The process is quick, easy and affordable and does not even require prior booking. 

Preparing for the test

Here is how you can prepare for an STD test at an urgent care clinic:

  • You may have to provide blood or urine sample for walk in STD testing near Arlington VA. Refrain from urinating one hour before the test. 
  • If you take any medications or supplements, check with your doctor to know which ones to stop taking before providing the test sample. For instance, if you take Vitamin B7 supplements, you may be advised to stop taking it 72 hours prior to the test. 
  • If you have been experiencing any symptoms, make a list of all these including how long you have been noticing these. For instance, if you have been experiencing pelvic pain, you can describe the nature of the pain and where exactly you feel the pain.
  • If you have any allergies, inform the doctor about it. 
  • Drink enough water and stay hydrated.
  • Do not eat anything right before the test. Have a light meal about one hour before the test. 

As mentioned earlier, the absence of symptoms make STDs and STIs makes it impossible for you to know if you are infected or not. With Arlington full panel STD test at your nearest urgent care clinic, you can easily determine if you are infected and seek necessary treatment. After all, visiting a clinic and providing samples takes just a matter of minutes. Remember, the earlier you get treated, the better are your chances of a full recovery. 

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