Sunday, July 17, 2022

Urgent Care Clinics – Right Choice for Women More Vulnerable To Infections

Any sexually active person who does not practice safe sex is at risk of catching STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections). However, studies show that the risk aspect is highest for young women and teenage girls. This is primarily because the cervical passage in women that connects the vagina and the womb are rich in cells that are particularly vulnerable to getting infected. As a result, even a single episode of unsafe sex can prove to be detrimental fo young women and teenage girls. 

Another reason is that young women may often be not equipped with the knowledge or tools to prevent STIs. They may also have no idea about how to access reliable information and methods for STI prevention. More importantly, they may not have the money to spend on STI screening or treatment at an STI clinic in Arlington. 

A key factor that deters young women and teenagers from accessing medical help for their STIs is that STI prevention centers are designed to cater to adults. Such settings may not seem comfortable or trustworthy for them. Even a judgmental look from a healthcare worker can leave young women feeling vulnerable and doubtful about the confidentiality of the screening tests.

STI clinic near Arlington on VA provides a neat and affordable solution to help young women access the information, care and assistance they require. Read on to know how. 

Safe and positive ambience 

The staff at urgent care clinics has seen it all and they treat every patient with utmost care, compassion and understanding. You will not be judged just because you came in for STI screening or because you are not accompanied by an adult. The screening process at urgent care clinics is unbelievably affordable, thereby ensuring that young women do not struggle to raise the amount necessary for testing. 

Every bit of information you provide while registering for tests in STI clinic in Arlington will be kept confidential. The information in it will not be forwarded to your family doctor or shared with your family. You will however, receive reliable information on how to practice safe sex and how to lower the risk of contracting STIs. 

Counseling relief for the affected

Testing positive for an STI can be a disturbing and distressing experience for most people. They may worry about possible complications and about other people they may have unknowingly infected. Counselors at STI clinic in Arlington will extend necessary support so that you can forget all worries related to the STI and focus on healing instead. 

The counseling facility is especially invaluable when it comes to informing your partner/s that you have tested positive for an STI. Healthcare counselors at urgent care clinics will help you gently break the news to your partner and convince them to get tested. Never keep the positive test result to yourself and deny your partner the chance to seek medical assistance before it is too late. 

Even if you do not have symptoms but you are still worried about harboring an infection, the best course of action would be to trust the experts and get tested right away.  

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