Monday, January 17, 2022

What to Expect When Talking About STD Testing With a Doctor

Never got tested for STDs? Then you may feel a bit awkward. Some feel scared. However, as doctors say, you have no reason to feel scared. STD tests are just like any other test. They are painless procedures intended to confirm your sexual health. 

You may feel awkward because the world is not yet open to talking about sexually transmitted diseases. But, if you walk into your nearest STD clinic, you would realize there isn’t a reason to feel awkward. 

Remember, STD testing does not form a part of your annual health checkup. You must ask your doctor to conduct this test. If you feel shy about asking your family doctor, you can walk into the STD clinic and undergo a test discreetly. 

But I don’t have symptoms!

STDs are often asymptomatic. So, do not rely on the presence of symptoms, say doctors. They may or may not show up. If you are sexually active, you have all the reason to undergo a test. And if you have multiple partners or have a new partner, you cannot miss getting tested. 

How is a test done?

Walk in STD testing facility near Arlington, VA, conducts testing for commonest STDs. The doctor usually takes a swab sample, urine sample, or blood sample for the test. 

What to expect when you walk into the clinic?

You will be ushered into the doctor’s chamber immediately. If there is already a patient inside, you must wait, but this takes just a few minutes. 

Be prepared to answer questions about your sexual life. Be honest. Nobody will judge you here. Being honest is for your own good. The doctor will determine your risk level and the tests you must undergo on the basis of your sexual life and history, and symptoms, if any. 

They may also ask whether you ever had sex with a sex worker or if you inject drugs. If you are a man, the doctor may also want to know if you ever had sex with a man. These questions may seem offensive to many, but they are not. These are factors that determine your level of risk of contracting STDs. 

Do you know men having sex with men is a high-risk sexual behavior? It puts you at high risk for contracting dangerous infections like HIV. 

Taking drugs through injection is a high risk factor, as HIV can be transmitted through sharing needles. 

When you walk into an STD clinic in Arlington, keep an open mind and focus on your sexual health. This is for your own good and the good of your whole family. If you are infected and do not seek treatment, you would infect your partner and, eventually, your baby. 

That’s why it is important for couples to confirm their sexual health because it is not limited to themselves. Being ignorant about your infection can make you breed a generation of infected people. 

Consider STD testing as taking charge of your health, not as a shame. We are already in 2022, folks. Do we still need to feel embarrassed talking about our sexual health?

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